Oct 22, 2019, 6:11 PM
Journalist ID: 2078
News ID: 83527174
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Syria Constitutional Committee to convene on 30 October:FM Spox

Oct 22, 2019, 6:11 PM
News ID: 83527174
Syria Constitutional Committee to convene on 30 October:FM Spox

Tehran, Oct 22, IRNA- Iran said on Tuesday that Syria’s Constitutional Committee will hold its first ever meeting on 30 October in Geneva, throwing Tehran’s support behind the event. 

 “As announced by Geir Otto Pedersen, UN Special Envoy for Syria, the first meeting of Syria’s Constitutional Committee will most likely be held on 30 October in Geneva and Iran has announced that it supports the committee and this process,” said Iran Foreign Ministry’s Spokesman Abbas Mousavi on Tuesday. 

He reiterated that Iran fully supports this political process, expressing hope that “current developments on the ground does not negatively affect the talks. 

Mousavi was referring to Turkey’s military operations in northern Syria against the outlawed terrorist group PKK and Kurdish resistance groups YPG and others that Ankara considers terrorists as well. 

“Since the crisis began in northern Syria, Iran has been actively trying to play a positive role to calm tensions based on the already-existing agreements,” Mousavi mentioned, referring to the Adana Agreement that was signed between Ankara and Damascus years ago.  

Mousavi added that Iran urged Turkey to exercise restraint; however, noted that Iran “understands” Ankara’s security concerns. 

“Although Turkey says the operation is temporary; however, Iran does not believe the solution is military operation. Tehran believes both countries should seek solution through dialogue,” he said.

The Iranian diplomat stressed that Tehran will spares no effort to ease tensions between Turkey and Syria, noting that Syria’s territorial integrity should be respected by all. 


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