Feb 14, 2024, 9:35 AM
Journalist ID: 1847
News ID: 85386205
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Headlines in Iranian English-language dailies on February 14

Feb 14, 2024, 9:35 AM
News ID: 85386205
Headlines in Iranian English-language dailies on February 14

Tehran, IRNA – The following headlines appeared in English-language newspapers in the Iranian capital on Wednesday, February 14, 2024.


--  Iran’s trade with Islamic world grew 25% in 2022: OIC

The Organization of Islamic Countries (OIC) announced a 25 percent growth in trade between Iran and other Muslim countries in 2022, introducing Iran as the 12th largest trader in the Islamic world.
In its latest report on the trade situation in the Islamic world, the organization put the growth in the value of the trade exchanges between Iran and other Muslim countries in 2022 at 25 percent.

--  Bitcoin breaks $50,000 for first time since 2021

Bitcoin spiked above $50,000 Tuesday for the first time in more than two years as investors grow optimistic that global approval of broader trading in the unit will ramp up demand.
The cryptocurrency has enjoyed a strong run in recent months, fuelled by expectations US lawmakers would allow the creation of exchange-traded funds (ETFs) that track the price and let the public invest in crypto without directly purchasing it, AFP wrote. After initially dropping in reaction to last month’s green light by Washington, bitcoin has rallied about 25 percent since January 22.

--  New refineries to raise refining capacity by 30%: Official

The construction of petro refineries across Iran will increase the country’s refining capacity by 30 percent, which is currently at 2.3 million barrels per year, announced the deputy oil minister for planning affairs.
“Creating capacity and completing the value chain in the oil industry is one of the priorities of the Oil Ministry aimed at preventing sales of unprocessed oil as well as creating added value for the country,” Houshang Falahatian said


--  Iran’s Judiciary Chief Visits Iraq

The head of Iran’s Judiciary Gholamhossein Mohseni-Ejei has traveled to neighboring Iraq for talks on judicial cooperation. Mohseni-Ejei departed for Iraq on Tuesday in response to the official invitation of the chairman of the Iraqi Supreme Judicial Council Faiq Zidane.
Iran’s chief of justice’s visit also is aimed at bolstering legal and judicial relations between Iran and Iraq.

--  IRGC Warns of Harsh  Retaliatory  Naval Blow  to Enemies

The commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Major General Hussein Salami on Tuesday said that Iran has the upper hand in all arenas of confrontation with the enemy, and cautioned the adversaries that they will receive a major setback if they take any action against Iranian vessels.

In a meeting with the retired and incumbent IRGC commanders and officials, held in Tehran, Major General Salami said the IRGC and Basij forces of Iran have checkmated the enemies in all arenas.

--  Iranian Yellow Deer Released to Dez National Park

In a collaborative effort between the Khuzestan Department of Environment, local grassroots organizations, and community members, a ceremony was held at the Dez National Park to set free 10 Iranian yellow deer.
The deer, bred at the reproduction site in the city of Arsanjan in Fars province, were released within the Dez National Park in the vicinity of the city of Shush in southern Iran.


-- Parliament websites hit with cyber attack 

- Iran's parliament websites fell victim to a cyber intrusion as confirmed by officials on Tuesday.  Apparently, the Mojehadin-e Khlaq Organization (MKO) is behind the hacking as pictures of the anti-Iran terrorist cult’s leaders were uploaded on the website. 
Both the parliament and Khane Mellat (ICANA.ir) news agency websites were rendered inaccessible due to the cyber assault. Technical teams are currently investigating the extent of the breach, as stated by the legislature's representatives to IRNA.

--  Government is firm in securing Hamoun water right

The administration of President Ebrahim Raisi is decisively looking for a solution to the dispute with Afghan officials on the water right of Hamoun wetland and has held several meetings in this regard.

Considering the importance of the issue, environmental officials of Afghanistan are to pay a visit to Iran to make necessary decisions.

-- Bulgarian Iranologists honored at Iranian embassy

 As Iran celebrated the anniversary of Islamic Revolution’s victory on February 11th, a commemorative ceremony for the Revolution unfolded in Bulgaria, focused on acknowledging and honoring Persian language educators and renowned Iranologists.

According to IRNA, Alireza Irvash, the Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran to Bulgaria, extended his congratulations on the forty-fifth anniversary of the triumph of the Islamic Revolution. He characterized the message of the Islamic Revolution as one promoting peace, wisdom, and love worldwide.


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