Nov 18, 2023, 10:49 PM
Journalist ID: 5288
News ID: 85295442
1 Persons


By Mohsen Pakaein

Israel, a disturbing element even for US

Nov 18, 2023, 10:49 PM
News ID: 85295442
Israel, a disturbing element even for US

Tehran, IRNA -- With the US abstaining, finally after 40 days of the Zionist regime's crimes against the people of Gaza, the United Nations Security Council approved a resolution for a temporary ceasefire in the Gaza Strip.

The resolution, which was proposed by Malta and was approved 12 positive votes, was one of the rare resolutions that did not face a US veto. In this regard, the following points are noteworthy.

1. Although the Zionist regime has so far refused to implement this international document and accept a ceasefire, but the abstention vote of the US, as the main partner of Israel's crimes, shows that Washington does not intend to give this regime a blank check like in the past and without any reservation.

At the same time, the positive vote of France and the abstention vote of the UK, both of which are regarded as accomplices of the Israel regime, also indicate the alignment of these two countries with the US when it comes to interaction with the Tel Aviv regime. In fact, the inhumane and genocidal crimes of the Zionist regime, which reached its peak with the attack on Gaza hospitals, can no longer be defended even by ruthless regimes such as the US, the UK and France.

2. The approach of reducing financial, military and prestige costs of the US in support of Israel has started when former president Barack Obama was in office. During his trip to the occupied territories in 2011, Obama publicly asked Israel to interact with its neighbors and avoid security damages.

Obama's speech made public the American strategy to turn Israel into an independent political unit in West Asia with minimal dependence on the United States.

This approach was also seriously followed during the Trump era. While fully supporting Israel, Donald Trump tried to reduce Israel's dependence on the United States by proposing the Abraham Accords and putting pressure on Arab countries to normalize relations with the occupying regime, also trying to strengthen US presence in East Asia and reduce its costly participation in West Asia.

By leaving Afghanistan and focusing on China and Russia, Incumbent President Joe Biden expressed his desire to reduce spending in West Asia.

These developments indicate that the common strategy of the two Republican and Democratic parties is to maintain the unipolar system by restraining China and Russia, and not to allow the strengthening of multilateralism.

To achieve this strategy, it is necessary that the costs of supporting Israel in West Asia are reduced, and that this regime can reduce its security costs in compromise with its neighbors.

3. The leaders of Israel, who had gradually noticed the reduction of America's motivation for a costly presence in the Middle East and the White House's focus on containing Russia and China, sought measures to protect the US in this region.

It needed a war because with the occurrence of a war, the US could not reduce its support to ensure the security of the occupying regime.

With the presence of Netanyahu as an extreme and ruthless person as the prime minister of Israel, it was expected that this regime's pressure on the Palestinian people, especially in Gaza, would increase and an all-out war would follow.

Cowardly attacks on the city of Jenin and the brutal killing of Palestinian refugees, intermittent and continuous attacks on the people of the West Bank and Gaza, the unprecedented desecration of Al-Aqsa Mosque, the incitement of elements to desecrate the holy Qur’an in Denmark to incite Muslims and... and Netanyahu's preparatory actions for the attack on Gaza and the West Bank, caused Palestinian resistance factions to preemptively defend themselves in a deterrent act and caused irreparable damage to Israel.

4. The war in Gaza caused Biden to go to Tel Aviv to show his support for the occupying regime and take over the management of the war in Israel's chaotic situation.

Israel's crimes in Gaza sidelined the issue of normalizing relations with Arab nations and disrupted the plan to establish two governments.

America also became the first accomplice of Israel's crimes by paying a heavy financial cost and bringing troops and warships to the Mediterranean. It is interesting that Europe did not join America in paying the costs of the war, and it is implied that, just as America put the cost of the war in Ukraine on the shoulders of Europe, the Europeans also considered it America's responsibility to pay for Israel's security.

Now the White House feels that it is the loser of the Gaza war, because in addition to paying the heavy costs of the war, it has also suffered ugly prestige costs due to Israel's crimes. On the other hand, the Gaza war disrupted America's strategy to deal with China and Russia and gave these two countries the opportunity to make the most of America's involvement in the Gaza war to achieve their goals.

5. Today, America, while supporting Israel, looks at this regime as a nuisance. Biden, despite his journalistic gestures in support of the Zionist regime, is not satisfied with Netanyahu, but considers him the cause of the failures of America's strategic plans.

Maybe American theoreticians have told Biden that Palestine and Hamas will survive and the roots of Netanyahu will dry up and one should not bet on a losing horse.

The American abstention vote on the recent Security Council resolution clearly says that the United States can no longer support Israel unconditionally.

The brave and patient resistance of the people of Gaza and the international support for the cause of Palestinian freedom have left no way but for the world to consent to the holding of a referendum in the occupied territories where Muslims, Christians and Jews determine the future system.

Today, talking about the plan of two governments to solve the problem of West Asia no longer works; the experience of the process of the collapse of the apartheid regime in South Africa is before the world.

After years of resistance and offering hundreds of martyrs, people of this country finally convinced the supporters of the racist regime to hold a referendum and the apartheid regime came to an end.

This fate will definitely happen in the occupied territories of Palestine as well, and how much better that America and Europe, to defend their lost dignity and to preserve the remnants of liberal democracy, refer to public votes in the occupied territories rather than preferring to defend a disturbing element called Israel.


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