Apr 26, 2017, 3:18 PM
News ID: 82506608
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Iran’s presidential elections to be held in 103 countries

Apr 26, 2017, 3:18 PM
News ID: 82506608
Iran’s presidential elections to be held in 103 countries

Tehran, April 26, IRNA – Iran’s 12th presidential elections is slated to be held in 103 countries and 132 embassies or consulates for Iranians living abroad.

Talking to reporters, Iranian deputy foreign minister for consular, parliamentary and Iranian affairs Hassan Qashqhavi said over 2.5 million of Iranians living abroad are eligible to cast their voted.

Qhashqavi, who also heads the Supervisory Body Overseeing Iran's Presidential Election Abroad, said 279 polling stations will be open for the elections.

“We will set up 30 ballot boxes in different cities of US and 30 in UEA,” Qashqhavi added.

He added due to lack of diplomatic relations between Iran and Canada, no decision has yet been made on holding elctions in Canada although around 400,000 Iranians live there.

According to Iran's Interior Ministry's press release, Mostafa Aqa-Mirsalim, Es'haq Jahangiri, Hassan Rouhani, Ebrahim Raeisi, Mohammad-Baqer Qalibaf, and Mostafa Hashemi-Taba are the 6 candidates who have been approved to run for the upcoming election.

The 12th presidential and the 5th City and Village Councils Elections will be simultaneously held nationwide on May 19.

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