Iran, Cuba discuss cyber security, AI, human resources training
Tehran, IRNA – Cyber security, artificial intelligence (AI), and human resources training were among the most important issues discussed during Iran’s Minister of Information and Communications Technology Sattar Hashemi's second day of visit to Cuba.
Iranian Police detect 12k pages involved in selling arms in cyberspace
Tehran, IRNA – Iranian Cyber Police say they have detected thousands of social media pages that were involved in advertising and selling firearms including pistols, Kalashnikovs, and machine guns.
Iran arrests 32 over university admissions fraud
Tehran, IRNA – The head of Iran's cyberspace police, Second Brigadier General Vahid Majid, has said that 32 people have been arrested in recent days on a charge of fraud at the Iranian University Entrance Exam, known as Konkur (Concours).
Iran-made search engine to help Persian-speaking users on internet
Tehran, IRNA – An Iran-made search engine has been developed to provide new capabilities to Persian-speaking users, especially those active on social media platforms.
Iran: Albania’s cyberattack claim quite baseless
Tehran, IRNA – Iran's National Center for Cyberspace says Albania’s claim of accusing Iran of launching cyberattack against that country is a sheer lie, as Islamic Republic of Iran, itself, is among victims of such attacks against its fuel distribution network, ports’ terminal, subway system and nuclear facilities.
Iran rejects use of force in cyberspace
New York, IRNA - Ambassador and Permanent Representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the United Nations Majid Takht Ravanchi in a statement rejected using force in cyberspace.