Tehran, IRNA – The Israeli regime’s army has acknowledged the death of 636 officers, soldiers, and reservists in Gaza since October 7 last year, when Palestinian resistance movements launched Operation Al-Aqsa Storm against the occupying entity.

The Zionist regime’s media outlets reported that some 3,601 military forces have been injured during the same period, as the regime’s army faces a shortage of military forces in different battlefield areas in the Gaza Strip.

Earlier, some Zionist media outlets acknowledged that the regime’s military had been worn out by the strikes of the resistance fighters in the Gaza Strip.

The I24news channel of the regime reported that military commanders are seeking to recruit under-trained forces.

A commander, who called for recruiting forces on social media, told I24news that the armed forces are tired, and therefore, seek to recruit fresh soldiers via the internet.

The Ynetnews also reported that hospitals in the occupied territories are witnessing the influx of military forces who have been wounded in the Gaza Strip.

Israeli media reported that some officers and soldiers refuse to return to the battlefield by resorting to claims regarding their health condition.
