Tehran, IRNA - The body of the Iranian Martyr President Ebrahim Raisi has arrived at Hasheminejad Airport of Mashhad.

The plane carrying the body of late President Raisi, who was martyred in a plane crash in northwestern Iran, arrived at Hasheminejad Airport of Mashhad on Thursday.

A huge number of people and a group of the servants of Imam Reza's holy shrine gathered in Mashhad airport to pay tribute to the martyred president.

At the same time, the holy Shrine of Imam Reza is preparing the burial place of President Raisi.

Foreign diplomats residing in Mashhad, as well as officials from neighboring countries, traveled to Mashhad today to attend the funeral ceremony of the late President Raisi. 

Countries such as Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Turkiye, Turkmenistan, Saudi Arabia, and the United Nations have active consulates and representative offices in Mashhad. 

The leader of Iraq's National Wisdom Movement, Sayyid Ammar al-Hakim, is among the foreign officials participating in the funeral ceremony.

President Raisi and his entourage, including Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian, were returning from an event on the border with Azerbaijan to inaugurate a dam project on Sunday when their helicopter crashed in harsh weather conditions over the mountainous terrain of Iran’s northwest.
