Tehran, IRNA – Spokesman of Yemen’s national salvation government Mohammad Abdul Salam has said that his country reserves the right to respond to the US-UK aggression against Yemeni soil.

Abdul Salam made the comment on Sunday following fresh US-UK airstrikes which the Pentagon said had hit 18 targets across Yemen.

The two Western countries began their airstrikes on Yemen on January 11 to respond to what they called threats to international shipping amid Yemeni attacks on Israeli-linked ships in the Red Sea.

The government in Sana’a has rejected US-UK claims that Yemeni attacks pose a threat to vessels traveling through the crucial waterway and stressed that the Yemeni operations only targeted Israeli-linked ships to pressure the regime to stop its war on Gaza. Yemen has also hit American and British ships in the Red Sea in recent weeks in response to the Western airstrikes.  

Spokesman Abdul Salam said that Yemen deserves the right to respond to the continuous aggression by the US and the UK, according to Beirut-based Al Mayadeen news network.

He reiterated that Yemen’s position remains unchanged to prevent the passage of Israeli ships or the vessels heading to the occupied ports in Palestine, noting that the US-UK airstrikes are a futile attempt to prevent support for the Palestinian people.

Yemen's Defense Minister, Major General Mohammad Nasser Al-Atefi, made similar comments on Sunday, according to local reports.

He said that the US, the UK and the Israeli regime should realize that they can no longer have guardianship claims over seas, and that Yemen does not accept previous rules and equations regarding the Red and Arabian seas as well as the Gulf of Aden any longer.

Yemen is not afraid of the US, the minister said, stressing that the Arab country will not stop its operations unless the massacre of the Palestinian people and Gaza residents is stopped.