Publish Date: 30 January 2021 - 14:36

Chabahar, Jan 30, IRNA - The mountainous village of Tiss, which dates back to the Achaemenid dynasty, is going to get flourished as the sole village of Chabahar Free Zone in Sistan and Baluchestan province.

Places for worshipping carved in the heart of mountain and ancient graveyard are among the signs of pre-Islam life in the village, which was named Tiz in some books on conquests of Alexander the Great.

Tiss had been considered a trade city for sugar and wheat; so, merchants had used the village as a port town or something like what it is now a free trade zone.

After hundreds of years, the busy port turned into a village with a fishing wharf. Most of the people of the village are fishers, who kick off work at nights and come back to the wharf before sunrise.

The village has different wonder places, including an ancient cemetery, which is named the jinnee cemetery. This cemetery is located near Portuguese Castle on a hill. There are strange graves, which are small and big holes in the heart of rocks.

There are around 200 graves in the 2300-year-old cemetery. One of the graves is completely undamaged with the width of about 110 centimeters and the length of 225 centimeters. Many people are still surprised by the size of these graves.

One of the other wonders of Tiss is the Ban Messi Caves at the foot of Shahbazband Mountain, including one man-made cave and two natural ones. The villagers named the three caves as Ban Messi, which means a place for worshipping for righteous men. There is a small grave made of plaster inside one of the caves, which is square-shape with a small dome over it.

To get rid of horror of being in a mysterious cemetery, tourists could pay a visit to a botanical garden with unique trees. There are all types of plants of the Chabahar region in the garden.

The Portuguese Castle is a reminder of occupation in the strategic region. The Portuguese occupiers built the castle to use it as a sea watchtower. The fortress was constructed by using mortar, rock and brick. 

Since the establishment of Chabahar Free Trade Zone in 1993, Tiss village is considered one of areas included in the FTZ; so, the government has attached importance to the ancient village in order to pave the ground for its progress.


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