In a written message on Friday, Velayati who is a senior advisor to the Supreme Leader of Islamic Revolution on international affairs, said that Intifadhah began with stone in early 21st century but it changed the balance of power in favor of Palestinians by increasing its missile capacity, in a way that the regime armed to the teeth surrendered to Palestinians’ will to resist.
The continued victory of resistance in the 22-day, 8-day, 51-day, 3-day and recently the 12-day wars imposed effective failures on the occupying regime, Velayati added.
He further stated that not only did the recent victory for Palestinians bring pity, disgrace, heavy reputational and psychological consequences and economic impacts for the Israeli regime, but it also elevated the spirit of Palestinian people and changed power balance.
The victory proved that peace talks have failed and Palestinians’ rights can only be obtained through resistance and Jihad and also the fact that the deal of the century and some regional states’ normalization of ties with the Israeli regime are annulled, the former foreign minister underlined.
It should be reiterated that Iran’s absolute policy on the most important issue of the Islamic world, i.e. Palestine, is one that will not change until final victory and an end to occupation of holy lands of Islam, Velayati concluded.
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