Shirvan City

  • Barzoo dam in northeastern Iran

    Barzoo dam in northeastern Iran

    The Barzoo Dam, the largest concrete dam in North Khorasan province, northeastern Iran, is facing a significant drop in water levels due to low rainfall and drought. Located 40km north of Shirvan town on the Qalchaq River, the dam serves as a flood control structure. Despite its capacity to hold 90 million cubic meters of water, the current environmental conditions have severely affected its water storage capacity. (IRNA photos published on October 24, 2023/Vahid Khademi/)

  • Iran's Shirvan wastewater treatment plant in photos

    Iran's Shirvan wastewater treatment plant in photos

    The wastewater treatment plant of Shirvan city in the north-eastern province of North Khorasan has been built with an investment of one trillion rials and is ready to be used. (IRNA photos published on September 25/Vahid Khademi)