
  • Animal feed Cargo unloaded at southern Iranian port

    Photo: Ali Moaref

    Animal feed Cargo unloaded at southern Iranian port

    More than 5.6 million metric tons (mt) of animal feed has been unloaded at the Persian Gulf port of Bandar-e Imam Khomeini in southern Iran over the nine months to late December 2023. With a loading and unloading capacity of 50 million mt per annum, Bandar-e Imam Khomeini is the second largest strategic port in Iran.

  • Consumerist family

    photo: Fateme Abedi

    Consumerist family

    Using various types and brands of home appliances has become a routine in many Iranian households with a rise in consumerism in the country. Individuals feel they have more choices and independence as they become a member of the club consumerism. This has also set off a competition among the families to buy more modern devices, or to keep up with the joneses, as the saying goes. The appliances matter to families not because of their functions but because of their symbolic values. Upon arriving in many kitchens in the Iranian households, you’ll see various Iranian and foreign brands of home appliances which are stored for certain uses. However, many of them are rarely used and are kept in cupboards without being plugged even once a year.

  • Shipping in the Red Sea

    Photo: Akbar Tavakoli

    Shipping in the Red Sea

    The Red Sea is a gulf of the Indian Ocean located between the Arabian Peninsula and northeastern Africa. It connects to the Indian Ocean through the Bab-el-Mandeb Strait to the south, and the Suez Canal in the north links it to the Mediterranean Sea. The Red Sea serves as one of the most important trade routes in the world, with approximately 10% of global trade and 30% of container shipping passing through the strategic waters. Covering an area of 438,000 square kilometers, the Red Sea is 2,250 kilometers long, making it the fifteenth-largest sea in the world.

  • Cargo transit via Iran at 9.3 million mt in year to March

    Cargo transit via Iran at 9.3 million mt in year to March

    Tehran, IRNA - Iran transited some 9.3 million metric tons (mt) of goods in the Iranian calendar year 1401 (ending on March 20), Head of the Road Maintenance and Transportation Organization Darioush Amani has said.