Rapeseed is one of the important oilseed plants in temperate regions, which has a wide climatic compatibility; Rapeseed contains 25-55% oil and 18-24% protein and has high nutritional quality due to its unsaturated fatty acids and cholesterol-free. In addition to many agricultural and economic benefits, this vegetable seed adds beauty and a special fragrance to nature during the flowering season.Annually, more than 55 million tons of rapeseed are obtained in the member countries of the European Union, China and Canada as the three main producers of this product.The amount of production of this product in Iran is estimated to be less than 300,000 tons per year, and this figure has been obtained in recent years with the special attention of the Ministry of Agricultural Jihad. Cultivation of rapeseed in rotation with wheat strengthens the soil and stabilizes wheat production in the country. It will supply oil needed by the country and prevent foreign currency outflow, providing fodder for livestock and poultry, and providing food security and community health are among the goals of the development of oilseed cultivation.

Mar 15, 2024, 2:00 PM

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