New York, IRNA - US President Joe Biden has said he expects Iran will refrain from its planned retaliatory attacks against Israel if a ceasefire agreement is reached in Gaza.

According to IRNA, Biden, who is in the last months of his one-term presidency, claimed on Tuesday when asked if a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas could prevent an Iranian attack that he would focus the remaining time on accomplishing peace in the Middle East.

We will see what we can do and how Iran will respond. I expect that if there is a ceasefire in Gaza, Iran will refrain from attacking Israel, he responded further to the question raised.

I am worried about the situation in the Middle East which has become difficult, he said adding that: "Let's see what Iran does. We will see what happens if there is an attack."

Pentagon: We take Iran's statements seriously

Meanwhile, the spokesman of the US Department of Defense said that the public statements of the Iranians had been very clear, so we must take them seriously into account.

Patrick Ryder, told reporters on Tuesday local time in an apparent reference to recent comments by senior Iranian officials about their country’s legal right to respond to the aggressor for violating its sovereignty.

There is no need to speculate about the date and time when Iran or one of the resistance groups will carry out an attack on Israel but the public statements of the Iranians have been very clear, he said

"The United States remains very focused on de-escalation in the region while securing a ceasefire as part of an agreement to release the hostages and end the war in Gaza," Ryder said, adding that: "We have put these additional capabilities in the region to protect our forces and also to defend Israel."

"We have been very clear in our commitment to help defend Israel," he reiterated

In response to a question about the US submarine in the Middle East region and its role, he said that the movement of submarines is not a new thing. But again, it's important to look at this in the context of the broader presence of US forces in the region, which is to help protect ourselves, defend Israel, and deter aggression and de-escalation.