Tehran, IRNA – Terrorist and saboteur training centers have been established in some foreign countries and are being used for terrorist activities, and some of these centers have been identified, says the commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Ground Force.

Our enemies exploit the capacity of terrorist groups like ISIS and Salafi movements in the region, said Brigadier General Mohammad Pakpour on Sunday in a conference in Tehran.

They produce and design terrorist actions, equipping terrorists for their nefarious purposes, he added.

Had these enemy terrorist plots not been neutralized, they would have caused significant damage to the security of the Iranian people, resulting in countless casualties, this IRGC commander added. 

In recent terrorist actions in Sistan and Baluchestan province in southeastern Iran, approximately 30 employed terrorist operatives, trained by ISIS and the Salafi movement, were found to have foreign identities.
