Tehran, IRNA – The release of confidential information by The New York Times has revealed cooperation between British and Israeli espionage and intelligence units.

According to the Declassified website, a top Israeli official was quoted that a UK spy team has been deployed to the occupied territories since the onset of the Gaza war in October.

The new data was revealed in a The New York Times article on Saturday while reporting the regime’s deadly operation to rescue four captives in Gaza.

The unidentified Israeli official said that the presence of the British team gives the regime “added value” and Britain’s spy flights provide Israel with the data it cannot collect on its own.

The Declassified website also reported that the British Royal Air Force (RAF) has flown more than 200 spy missions over the strip from Cyprus since December.

This is the first time that the issue of deployment of British intelligence officers inside the occupied territories is being acknowledged.

The New York Times had earlier revealed that American and British intelligence teams were deployed in the occupied land to gather information.

A top Israeli official had told Haaretz that the Pentagon and the CIA were collecting information on the whereabouts of the Israeli captives in Gaza.
