IRNA, Tehran – Iranian Defense Minister Brigadier General Mohammad Reza Ashtiani has underscored that the defense and security doctrine of the Islamic Republic of Iran is based on pursuing peace, stability, and security for all countries in the region and the world.

The Iranian minister made the remarks in a meeting with defense ministers of member states of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) in Astana, Kazakhstan.

He pointed to the Israeli regime’s terrorist attack on Iran’s consulate in Syria, noting that the regime conducted this heinous airstrike on the diplomatic mission in order to spread the sphere of war and divert the world public opinion from its crimes and genocide in Gaza.

Brigadier General Ashtiani also emphasized that Iran is not seeking any conflict or escalation in  West Asia, but any sort of aggression and miscalculation by enemies will be responded to decisively and regretfully.

He also warned that certain Western governments have taken up the policy of biased and unconditional support for the Israeli regime, which will lead to the discrediting and weakening the role and function of international organizations, especially when it comes to creating order and security in the world.

On the sidelines of this year’s meeting of the SCO member states’ foreign ministers, Ashtiani held talks with some of his counterparts from Russia, Kazakhstan, China, Belarus, and India in separate sessions in order to discuss bilateral and regional issues.

The military official went on to say that given the significance of maritime security in global trade, the contribution of all SCO member states to create a security belt seems necessary.
