New York, IRNA - Iranian Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the UN Amir Saeed Iravani while expressing concern over the alarming expansion of the network of anti-Islamic campaigns announced that the Islamic Republic of Iran strongly condemns any hateful, discriminatory words, terrorist attacks and violence against Muslims, beliefs, principles and sacred things of Muslims.

"While expressing serious concern about the alarming expansion of the network of anti-Islamic campaigns, including through the media and social media platforms, the Islamic Republic of Iran strongly condemns any hateful, discriminatory words, terrorist attacks and violence against Muslims, beliefs, principles and sacred things of Muslims," he said.

"We believe that such actions and policies, wherever they are, will have a devastating effect on all Muslims everywhere in the world, especially Muslims who live in vulnerable situations such as under foreign occupation or in the minority," Iravani added.

The full text of speech by Iravani before the UN high-level meeting to commemorate the international day to combat Islamophobia is as follows:

Statement by His Excellency

Mr. Amir Saeed Iravani

Ambassador and Permanent Representative of

the Islamic Republic of Iran to the United Nations

Before the High-Level Meeting to Commemorate the International Day to Combat Islamophobia

March 15, 2024 – New York

بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم

Mr. Chairman

At the outset, let me begin by congratulating you all in this hall and all Muslims around the world as we have recently gone through the month of Ramadan Al-Karim. In addition, I would like to convey my appreciation to the Islamic Republic of Mauritania as well as the President of the General Assembly for convening us today to commemorate the second anniversary of the International Day to Combat Islamophobia. I would also like to associate myself with the statement made by the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela on behalf of the Group of Friends in Defense of the Charter.

Mr. Chairman,

Distinguished Colleagues,

The act of the UN General Assembly in adopting resolution 76/254 in 2022, was definitely the expression of a common will rooted in a profound understanding of the threats caused by Islamophobia to international peace and security. Today, the adoption of the resolution on “measures to combat Islamophobia”, is another clear evidence of this joint commitment to terminate Islamophobia in all its forms and manifestations. The time has come for us to make the best use of our solidarity and mobilize the inclusive participation of all relevant stakeholders to actively combat such menace through, inter alia, promoting global dialogue aiming to enhance tolerance and coexistence among all nations.

While expressing our grave concern over the alarming proliferation of a widespread network of anti-Muslim campaigns including by utilizing media outlets and social media platforms, we strongly condemn all forms of hate speech, discrimination, terrorist attacks and violence against Muslims and their sacred beliefs, principles and shrines. We believe such practices and policies, anywhere, will have detrimental impacts on all Muslims wherever they are around the world particularly those in vulnerable situations such as under foreign occupation or in the minority.

In this regard, the world continues to witness daily aggressions against Palestinians whose homeland is under occupation and Israel as an occupying regime in cooperation with its allies maintains a futile attempt to excuse all its atrocities, crimes and apartheid practices through fabricating a direct link between Islam and terrorism. We reiterate that not only does Islam prohibit killing innocent civilians, but also terrorism and violent extremism conducive to terrorism cannot and should not be associated with any religion, nationality, civilization or ethnic group.

Furthermore, the Muslim Ummah, in an apparent violation of their human rights, have been facing violence and defamation as well as desecration of their values, shrines and holy book in a number of European countries under the pretext of freedom of expression, which is exacerbated after the resurgence of far-right parties in those countries. A number of these countries not only refuse to criminalize or prohibit violence and hatred against religious symbols and holy books in their national regulations, but also try to diverge from collective efforts to accomplish this goal.

In conclusion, Mr. Chairman, the Islamic Republic of Iran as one of the sponsors of resolution 76/254 and the resolution adopted today, is fiercely determined to continue its support of all efforts to combat Islamophobia and religion-based extremism. We would like to express our readiness to closely collaborate with the International Community in this sake. Iran also reiterates its full solidarity with the victims of attacks emanating from Islamophobia all around the world and highlights the utmost importance of commemorating the International Day to Combat Islamophobia in recalling the global commitments to promoting a culture of tolerance and peace at all levels that are based on respect for human rights as well as the diversity of religions and beliefs.

I thank you