Tehran, IRNA – Iran’s President Ebrahim Raisi has discussed the Gaza war with Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim, telling him that the Israeli regime has set such a record in genocide and crimes against humanity that it has already been condemned morally before being tried in international courts.

The Iranian president and the Malaysian prime minister met on Saturday in the Saudi capital Riyadh on the sidelines of a joint summit by the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) and the Arab League on the Gaza war.

Raisi said that the countries, which advocated normalization with the Israeli regime, today regret their stance even though they do not express it.

He also said the defeat that Palestinian resistance fighters inflicted on the regime will remain irreparable. That was in reference to Operation Al-Aqsa Storm that Hamas launched on Israeli positions from the Gaza Strip on October 7.

The Iranian president stressed that future belongs to the Palestinian people, and that the resistance front is the final winner of the battlefield.

The Malaysian premier on his part called on the countries, which back the Israeli regime, to stop their support. He said that the issues, which were agreed on during the Saturday summit, should be implemented including the dispatch of humanitarian aid to Gaza.

Raisi and Anwar Ibrahim also discussed bilateral relations between their countries.