Tehran, IRNA – The following headlines appeared in English-language newspapers in the Iranian capital on Saturday, October 21, 2023.


- Surprise, surprise, Israel manipulated evidence

Iran FM calls for oil embargo, expelling Israeli envoys

Raisi: US veto of UNSC resolution
‘double oppression’ on Gazans

A fresh report from a Turkish institute reveals that Israel’s official footage of the bombing of Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza is highly edited, while military experts around the world cast doubt on how a purportedly conventional rocket could have killed people but not leveled the hospital.At least 500 people were killed and hundreds injured in an Israeli airstrike on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza late Tuesday, the Gaza-based Health Ministry said.

- China slams ‘illegal’ US sanctions against Iran’s defense programs

China and Russia have expressed their support for the expiration of the United Nations Security Council’ sanctions on Iran’s missile program, while Iran also confirmed on Wednesday the “unconditional” end of the restrictions imposed by the UNSC on its missile-related activities. However, on the same day the United States imposed new sanctions on Tehran’s missile and drone programs.

- Construction of Iran’s largest solar farm started

The construction of a specialized solar energy zone with the capacity to produce 400 megawatts of electricity in an area of 700 hectares was launched on Thursday in Rayen of Kerman Province.
Iran has started building five specialized solar energy zones in Kerman Province, as the Rayen zone is referred to as the largest in the country, IRNA reported.


- Ex-Israeli PM: Netanyahu must go

The Israeli regime is in turmoil unable to make up its mind and separate revenge from policy planning. This is on full display in regard to the bluster of the Israeli ground invasion of Gaza. The October 7 attack by the Palestinian resistance groups against Israeli military sites has pushed the deeply polarized political class of Israel to close ranks around their detested leader Benjamin “King” Netanyahu, whom Israeli current and former officials quietly scorched for his resounding failure in protecting the apartheid regime of Israel. Yet, this unity is tactical and won’t last given the poisonous nature of Israeli politics. When the dust of war settles, Israelis will return to their lacerating politics, which could bring the Israeli regime to collapse.

- Tehran Times blacks out front page in support of Gaza, gets suppressed by Instagram

The Tehran Times ran a fully black front page on Thursday to mourn the Israeli barbaric attack on a hospital in central Gaza. The paper however has been prevented from posting a picture of the front page on Instagram. “This indicates different media platforms’ full support for Israeli crimes against Palestinians. Instagram and similar platforms are preventing the dissemination of truth, particularly on the oppressed in Palestine,” said Tehran Times editor-in-chief Mohammad Sarfi.

- Armenia invited to 3+3 format meeting in Tehran

Armenia has received an invitation from Iran to attend a meeting of the 3+3 format of the countries of the South Caucasus region, according to an Azerbaijani news outlet.  Deputy Foreign Minister of Armenia Vahan Kostanyan has said that the Armenian government is considering the possibility of a meeting in the 3+3 format at the level of Azerbaijani and Armenian Foreign Ministers in Tehran, APA reported.


- Algerian, Iranian FMs Discuss Gaza Situation

Iranian Foreign Minister Hussein Amirabdollahian said putting an immediate end to Israel’s crimes against the Palestinian people in Gaza and dispatch of humanitarian aid are urgent priorities given the critical situation in the besieged Strip. In a phone call with Algeria’s Minister of Foreign Affairs and National Community Abroad Ahmed Attaf late on Thursday, Amirabdollahian said Muslim countries must ramp up their diplomatic consultations to stop the Israeli regime’s crimes against the Palestinian civilians and defenseless people of Gaza.

- Iran Condemns ‘Disgraceful’ Israeli Attack on Church

Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokesman on Friday strongly condemned Israel’s attack on a church in the besieged Gaza Strip where displaced Palestinian people were sheltering. Nasser Kanaani said the attack is another “disgraceful” crime committed by the Israeli forces in Gaza, referring to the strike on Al-Ahli al-Arabi Hospital and many mosques. “It’s another black and disgraceful episode in a series of crimes, war crimes and crimes against humanity committed by the Zionist regime and its criminal political and military leaders.”

- Israel Bombs Displaced Gazans at Church

The Israeli military on Friday pounded Gaza with more airstrikes, as people across Muslim countries protested in solidarity with Palestinians.
The occupying regime bombed areas in southern Gaza where Palestinians had been told to seek safety. Fighting between Israel and resistance fighters in neighboring Lebanon also raged, prompting evacuations of Zionist towns as fears of a widening conflict grew.
