Tehran, IRNA – The recent speech made by President Ebrahim Raisi at the 77 UN General Assembly reflected the epitome of the authority of the Islamic Republic of Iran at the international level, a political expert opines.

Reza Sadr al-Hosseini told IRNA on Monday that President Raisi's speech and showing a picture of Martyr General Qassem Soleimani were efforts to convey the justice-seeking demand of the Iranian nation to the world public opinion.

The president raised the picture of Lieutenant General Soleimani and emphasized that Iran will not forget pursuing justice in relation to the assassination of the national hero, who sacrificed himself to uphold justice, security, and stability through fighting international terrorism, the analyst said, noting that the speech was one of the most important and positive aspects of Raisi's trip to New York.

The move showed the president's bravery because numerous media outlets and political officials thought that Iran may forget to follow up justice for the commander's case in return for political gains, but the scene made people understand that the Iranians are determined to take revenge for his blood.

On Raisi's efforts to introduce Iran's policy in terms of its nuclear program, the expert noted that the president informed Western officials that the Islamic Republic of Iran seeks to work on peaceful nuclear activities because the country is entitled to possess the energy and know-how.

According to the pundit, the president underlined that Iran has never undermined the protocols of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), so the Iranian nation is entitled to be a member of the nuclear club.

Pointing to the impact of the president's visit to New York on the negotiations for lifting anti-Iran sanctions, he said that the Raisi administration has announced its stance regarding the Vienna talks and expressed readiness to resume talks.

Elsewhere in his analysis, Sadr al-Hosseini mentioned that the Islamic Republic is open to expanding its relationships with all countries except the fake Zionist regime; of course, the relationship with the United States is one of the red lines of the Islamic Republic because Washington has committed the worst crimes against the Iranian nation for over four decades.

As to Iran's active participation in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), he noted that President Raisi's trip to New York following his presence at the 22nd Summit of the SCO and the Islamic Republic's official membership in the organization are of great importance, which would bring significant achievements for the country.

Iran pursues multilateralism in order to stand against the United States' unilateralism, he said, noting that a new world order based on economic multilateralism can help independent countries overcome the US's cruel unilateral approaches and get rid of sanction policy and the Western monopoly.


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