Sep 21, 2022, 8:34 PM
News ID: 84895051
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Surprising move of Pres. Raisi at UNGA 2022

Sep 21, 2022, 8:34 PM
News ID: 84895051
Surprising move of Pres. Raisi at UNGA 2022

Tehran, IRNA – Iran’s President Ebrahim Raisi delivered his speech at the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) on Wednesday during which he surprised the meeting by showing Martyr Soleimani's photo and stressed Iran seeks justice in the world.

President Raisi made the remarks on Wednesday at the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) in New York, US.

He considered the double standards of some governments in the field of human rights to be the most important factor in the institutionalization of human rights violations, with reference to some hues and cries about an incident that is under investigation in Iran while keeping silent in the face of the massacre of tens of innocent women during a short time in one of the Western countries.

Showing the picture of martyr General Qassem Soleimani to the participants of the meeting, President Raisi referred to him as a hero of the fight against terrorism and pointed to Donald Trump's confession to the assassination order of the IRGC's Quds Force commander, adding that a fair judicial investigation on the crime committed by the former US president is a service to humanity.

Surprising move of Pres. Raisi at UNGA 2022

A while ago, the former US President announced that Daesh (ISIS) was created by the US, and it does not matter to us which government of the US created Daesh. The problem is that a government on the other side of the planet decided to rediscover the geography of "our region" at the expense of shedding the blood of hundreds of thousands of women and children, but the Islamic Republic stopped this project and then pushed back, President Raisi highlighted.

He added that the commander and hero of the war against terrorism and the destruction of Daesh (ISIS) was Martyr Soleimani, who was martyred in this way.

President Raisi said Iran seeks justice in the case of General Soleimani's assassination and will sue the perpetrators behind the crime.


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