Tehran, IRNA – The Iranian Parliament’s National Security and Foreign Policy Commission issued a statement on Wednesday on the latest border clashes in the South Caucasus region, stressing the need for preserving the internationally recognized borders of the countries and safeguarding their territorial integrity.

The statement said that some moves in the past months have unfortunately prepared ground for the disturbance of political and security equations and orders in this sensitive region.

The statement added that any attempt to disrupt the preserving of the internationally-recognized borders of the countries and their territorial integrity is unacceptable and opposed to the rules of international law.

The Iranian Parliament National Security and Foreign Policy Commission, in its statement, reiterated the Islamic Republic’s call on regional countries to observe good neighborliness, saying that the country will show a proper, firm and prompt response to sedition pursued by the Zionists and NATO in the form of geopolitical plots.

According to the parliamentary commission, Iran considers any ambition threatening sustainable peace and security as far from historic realities and the geopolitical necessities of the South Caucasus region.

The committee also said that it will continue to closely monitor the situation in the region and will defend the rights of the Iranian nation.   


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