Publish Date: 12 April 2020 - 14:55

Tehran, Apr 12, IRNA – Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) deputy head said on Sunday that the activities of the first unit of Bushehr nuclear power plant have been halted to replace fuel and carry out regular maintenance measures.

Mahmoud Jafari said that the first unit of Bushehr nuclear power plant will pause its activity as of today in coordination with the national power grid to do fuel replacement and regular inspection and overhaul, according to AEOI's public diplomacy center.

He said the plant undergoes fuel replacement so that it would be ready to connect to national power grid during the peak consumption period in the summer.

"The unit has delivered 43 billion kwh of electricity to the national grid since it was launched and it has generated 7.2 billion kwh of power since the previous overhaul in May 2019," Jafari added.

The official said that World Association of Nuclear Operators carried out an assessment of Bushehr nuclear power plant last year and rated it among its first five members.


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