Tehran, April 6, IRNA – Foreign Ministry spokesman Abbas Mousavi said on Monday in his press conference after Nowruz that more than 30 countries and international organizations helped Iran over coronavirus campaign.

Congratulating the New Year and the National Day of Nuclear Energy, Abbas Mouasvi hoped in the video conference that the New Year would be a year of peace and prosperity for the people of Iran and that the country would be victorious against all the challenges, including coronavirus outbreak, extremism, violence, and sanctions.

Mousavi hoped that the domestic and powerful nuclear technology of Iran will have a huge progress and be used for peace, welfare and security of Iran and the region.

He sympathized with the people of 200 countries that are fighting with coronavirus pandemic and said that according to Iranian world-famous Saadi, “Human beings are members of a whole –  In creation of one essence and soul,” adding that Iranians cannot have calm when the entire humanity is in pain.

But some countries intended to exploit the troubled waters, he said, adding however, coronavirus brought about solidarity in international community as well.

Regarding US President Donald Trump as saying Iran has not called him for removal of the sanctions, he said that one can easily see such a confusion in US policies that one may think there are two administrations there. The President says one thing and his secretary of state another thing and the ones who are responsible for affairs with Iran tread their own path; there are different ideas in US Congress as well.

The sanctions on Iran are oppressive and illegal and the world has acknowledged that, Mousavi said, adding that the US has heard what Iran wants and they would have done it if they had wanted to do.

If the US doesn’t help Iran in the coronavirus outbreak, they should at least not impede other countries contributions; they should let the financial transactions for fighting the virus be facilitated.

Mousavi urged “independent” countries not to follow the US unlawful and oppressive sanctions on Iran.

Answering a questions about what Iran wants regarding the sanctions, he said that Iran’s request is general and President Hassan Rouhani and Foreign Minister Mohammad-Javad Zarif have made clear that Iran does not accept the illegal sanctions.

He said that Foreign Minister Zarif has written to his counterparts and the UN chief and that the International Court of Justice in The Hague has demanded the US in provisional measures after Iranian complaint with ICJ that the US should at least remove the sanctions on humanitarian aides. These show that Iran has clearly declared its request but the US is a bully and doesn’t accept it and makes up excuses.

Mousavi added that the Government and the people of Iran have no hope that the US be helpful, but they should at least stop being harmful wen Iran is involved in fighting coronavirus pandemic.


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