Tehran, July 7, IRNA – Iranian Government spokesman Ali Rabiei said on Sunday that in the second phase of reducing its commitment to the nuclear deal, Iran will raise the degree of uranium enrichment from 3.67 percent, so that the purity will be fixed as per Iran's need.

"Today we went beyond the 3.67 percent ceiling of uranium enrichment, and the level of purity will be fixed as per our need," Iran's government spokesman Ali Rabiei said at a joint press conference with the country's Deputy Foreign Minister Abbas Araghchi, and spokesman for the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran Behrouz Kamalvandi.

The remarks by the spokesman are made at the end of the first 60-day deadline Iran set in May, announcing that it will decide on its commitment to the deal proportionate to the commitment of other signatories.

Iran's Supreme National Security Council said on the anniversary of the US withdrawal from the deal in May that Iran would reduce its commitment to reciprocate the EU inaction to make good on Iran's loss caused by the US pull-out.

Iranian Foreign Ministry said that the new decision aimed to save the JCPOA by putting pressure on the states parties to the JCPOA.

Iran's goal of remaining in the deal was that all countries, including Iranian people, the region and the world to benefit from it, Rabiei said.

"The US, however, made a strategic mistake by withdrawal from it," he said.

"Iran will not remain in the JCPOA at any expense, and whatever decision we make is aimed at preserving it, but our commitment to the deal depends on other sides," the Government spokesman said.


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