French TV channel TF1 reported on Sunday morning that 39-year-old Durov was detained as he disembarked from his private jet, following a search warrant issued by authorities.
The arrest reportedly occurred at 8:00 p.m. French local time and was seen being escorted by bodyguards.
The operation was reportedly carried out by French secret services, though this information has not been officially confirmed.
The precise charges against Durov have not been disclosed officially but reports say France issued an arrest warrant for Durov on charges of complicity in drug trafficking, crimes against children and fraud due to the lack of moderation on Telegram and his failure to cooperate with law enforcement.
In 2013, Durov founded Telegram Messenger with his brother Nikolai.
The Russian-born boss of Telegram, which he says boasts over 900 million users, is currently based in Dubai. He became a naturalized French citizen in August 2021.