Reuters wrote on Sunday morning, quoting an American official who did not want to be named, that some personnel had minor injuries including smoke inhalation.
Some personnel were also being examined for traumatic brain injuries and moved some to a different location for further evaluation, the official added.
Local Syrian sources reported on Friday that several explosions occurred at the US military base in Kharab al-Jeer, located in the northern suburbs of the eastern Syria city if Hasakah.
According to this report, explosions caused by a drone attack and a fire broke out inside the base and smoke rose into the sky.
No group has claimed responsibility for the attack that followed a rocket strike by suspected resistance group on Monday that wounded five US personnel at the Ain al-Asad airbase in western Iraq on Monday.
News of the latest injuries came amid regional escalation by the Zionist regime with its assassination drive against resistance commanders and leaders as well as massacre of civilian in the Gaza Strip.