Tehran, IRNA - The head of the Zionist town of Margliut, located in the north of occupied Palestine, said in a statement that the hotels there have completely been turned into refugee camps as settlers have fled to the city out of fear of Hezbollah strikes.

According to IRNA's Wednesday morning report citing the Palestinian Samas news agency, the city head said that “no one can determine the beginning and end of the war in the north, because (the Israeli regime) doesn’t not inform anyone when it wants to go to war, and therefore talking about the extent of this war is nonsense.”

"Without military operations in southern Lebanon, it will be very difficult for people to return to the towns and border areas where Hezbollah is still present," he said:

Earlier, Sheikh Naim Qassem, the deputy Secretary General of Hezbollah, had emphasized in statements that the only way to calm the borders of Lebanon and occupied Palestine is a ceasefire in Gaza.

Calls grow for Netanyahu to quit

News sources reported on Tuesday night that a number of Zionists held a protest rally in front of the house of the head of the trade union of the Zionist regime in Tel Aviv.

Israelis, including settlers gathered before the house of the head of the Zionist trade union and demanded strikes until the overthrow of Benjamin Netanyahu's cabinet, holding early elections and concluding a prisoner exchange agreement with the Hamas resistance movement.

Cities in the occupied territories, including Tel Aviv has witnessed rallies ever since the regime launched its genocidal war on Gaza back on October 7, 2023.

Over the past couple of days, Zionist protestors have staged mass demonstrations, blocking roads and streets in occupied al Quds, Herzliya and Tel Aviv and demanded early elections.

Several protest marches turned violent after police resorted to tear gas and water cannon to disperse the crowd as well as made dozens of arrests.

Demonstrations began in Tel Aviv on Saturday evening, and the Zionist Radio and Television Organization announced that the families of Israeli captives and soldiers killed in the Gaza Strip demanded an end to the war within the framework of the prisoner exchange agreement with the resistance.