This unit aims to coordinate and accelerate the handling of international crimes and lawsuits, Gharibababdi said on Tuesday.
Restoration of the rights of Iran and Iranians violated by the actions of foreign countries, protecting the rights of non-Iranian nationals, and facilitating their access to specialized judicial authorities are among the objectives of the special judicial unit.
Among the missions of this judicial complex are creating concentration and appropriate structure in the judiciary to deal with international issues, adopting a suitable legal and criminal policy with speed, accuracy, and deterrence in dealing with international claims, improving efficiency, and strengthening interaction between the judicial authority and the bailiffs in addressing relevant cases and satisfying the public opinion about the seriousness of the judicial system in dealing with issues that violate the rights of Iran and Iranians in the world.
The most important crimes that will be addressed in this complex by judges specialized in international affairs include those committed by non-Iranian nationals and their partners and deputies, crimes committed by Iranian expatriates, crimes committed against nationals of foreign countries, and crimes that will be committed inside an Iranian plane outside of Iran or a foreign plane in cases where Iranian courts qualify.
Crimes related to foreign political and consular agents and against political and consular premises and properties, terrorist crimes committed with the support of foreign countries and individuals, and the implementation of criminal judicial assistance, human trafficking, and illegal border crossing will also be addressed.