Tehran, IRNA - A member of Iran’s Expediency Council says the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution has always been concerned about people-centric production and is an innovator in the field of high quality production documents.

Mohammad Javad Iravani, in an exclusive interview with IRNA's reporter on Tuesday, explained about the general policies and their relationship with the country's economic roadmap.

“It can be claimed in this context that with the initiatives of the Supreme Leader in the production of upstream documents, economic progress as well as supporting documents by experts based on those initiatives, the foundation of resistance economy could be drawn to a great extent both theoretically and practically”, Iravani said.

He added: The intellectual production that has taken place in Iran's economic field during these years is a reliable and trusted source and reference for academics, students, researchers and economic thinkers. In its implementation, of course, in proportion to practical commitment to these policies, prosperity and empowerment, progress and economic independence have been achieved.

According to Iravani, who formerly headed the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Finance, “the progress strategy means growth along with justice without destroying the cultural and material environment and benefiting the society through progress is an element of success of resistance economy”.

In response to a question about how anti-Iran sanctions prevented the country’s desired progress, he said: The most important issue that today's youth should take into account is that the arrogant and colonial powers, prior to the Islamic Revolution, considered Iran their property and its resource their own and then- government of Iran as an executor of their policies in the region, but after the revolution, their hands were cut off from Iran's politics and economy.

Accordingly, they resorted to various sanctions, pressures and restrictions on Iran's economy in vengeance. These sanctions were toughend further during the sacred defense but our warriors and revolutionary youths and the great Iranian nation overcame those obstacles with strategic patience and tireless struggle and proudly won the war, he added.

“The sanctions continued even after the imposed war and the enemies put the Cold War and cultural invasion on their agenda”, the member of the Expediency Council emphasized, adding that “the United States and its Western allies also put the economic and financial war on the agenda in order to stop Iran's progress".

Although these sanctions created many problems, the Supreme Leader of the revolution and officials, elites and the people used these sanctions as an opportunity to identify and eliminate the shortcomings and weaknesses of in the economic arena to make progress and self-reliant, he noted.