Bahadori Jahromi posted on his X account on Sunday that the government cabinet meeting took place today. During the meeting, they discussed various issues of the day and reviewed the latest reports of the recent helicopter crash.
Additionally, he mentioned that the executive deputy president and some cabinet members have left for Tabriz.
Earlier, a helicopter carrying Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and senior officials in northwestern Iran has suffered a crash with no information available yet on potential injuries or damage.
President Raisi was returning from a ceremony to open a dam on Iran’s border with Azerbaijan when his helicopter crashed upon landing in Varzaqan region on Sunday.
Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian, Governor of East Azarbaijan Province Malek Rahmati, Tabriz Friday prayer leader Hojjatoleslam Al Hashem and a number of others were also on board the helicopter.
Foggy weather and the impassability of the area has made the search operations difficult.