Tehran, IRNA – An Iranian court has ordered the US government to pay more than $1.9 billion in a case brought by over a dozen political prisoners detained by the toppled Pahlavi regime.

The 55th Branch the Tehran Public and Legal Court – which is in charge of dealing with international cases – issued its ruling on Saturday, following a lawsuit filed by 15 political prisoners detained before the 1979 Islamic Revolution.

The court ordered the US government to pay the plaintiffs $1,91,840,000 in material, moral, and punitive damages over its support of the Shah regime and help it establish and expand its notorious SAVAK intelligence and security agency.

Based on relevant documents, the US government proposed that Mohammad Reza Shah’s regime establish SAVAK, despite being aware of the regime’s crimes against the Iranian people.

The US was accused of supporting those crimes and breaching humanitarian principles by also holding training sessions for SAVAK members and helping the agency, among other things, arrest Iranians.

All the plaintiffs were dissidents and freedom-seeking fighters who had been tortured by SAVAK during years of detention, suffering serious physical, mental, and social harms as a result.

All of them proved that if it had not been for the US support, they would have not faced such harms.
