Tehran, IRNA- The Islamic Resistance in Iraq says it has targeted an important and sensitive Israeli target with drone in the port city of Eilat in the occupied territories.

IRNA has cited the media of the resistance forces as saying that the attack in the early hours of Sunday followed the sounding of missile alarm in the occupied Syrian Golan.

Some media had reported drone attacks were carried out on the positions of the Zionist regime in the occupied Golan after which the sirens sounded

Although no group has yet claimed responsibility for the latest attack on the occupied Golan Heights, the Islamic Resistance in Iraq had carried out such attacks in the past.

The umbrella group of resistance factions had previously has repeated warned that if the Zionist regime continues its attacks on the Gaza Strip, it will intensify its operations against the positions of this regime.

The group has always emphasized its support for the people of Gaza and intensified attacks against Israeli targets during the holy month of Ramadan.