Tehran, IRNA- Ismail Haniyeh, political bureau chief of the Palestinian Hamas resistance movement said in a speech on Sunday night that the Zionist regime’s plots in Gaza have resulted in failure, warning that Israel will sooner or later pay for “the biggest crimes of the century” it has been committing against Palestinians.

October 7th was a turning point in the history of the Palestine issue which was brought back to the forefront of world events despite efforts by some colonial powers to forget this issue, Haniyeh said while referring the operation “Al-Aqsa Storm” as quoted by the Palestinian Sama news agency. 

The Hamas chief also blamed the Israeli regime for the failure to reach an agreement on the Gaza ceasefire, reiterating that the movement will not settle for anything less than a full cessation of Israeli aggression and the withdrawal of the occupation forces from Gaza.

"During the negotiations, we determined five principles, which included a comprehensive ceasefire, the end of the war, the complete withdrawal of forces from Gaza, the return of the displaced, and the delivery of humanitarian aid to the people of Gaza," he emphasized.

Haniyeh went on to say that any agreement should include the end of the war and the complete withdrawal of the Israeli army from the Gaza Strip. .

The Zionist regime is seeking the release of its captives and then restarting the war, he noted, adding that the enemy has evaded providing guarantees required for a ceasefire during the talks held so far. "Hamas has shown great responsibility, positivity and flexibility in the negotiation process mediated by Qatar and Egypt". 

It is the Israeli regime which is responsible for not reaching an agreement as we welcome a deal that fulfills our defined principles and conditions, he added.

Haniyeh also denounced any plot to divide the Gaza Strip into two parts, stressing that the enemy will not be able to achieve such plot as Palestinians remain firm despite the loss of tens of thousands of their loved ones.