In an interview with IRNA on Thursday, Nazem Bakai said that the incident happened on a wooden and stone suspension bridge about a meter from the ground and was connected to two pillars. Many artists had gone to practice on the bridge, but unfortunately, the bridge could not bear the weight.
He added that the injured were transported by helicopter to Imam Hussein Hospital in Shahrud for medical care.
The series, which is about the life story of Salman Farsi, the Iranian companion of the Prophet of Islam (PBUH), is being made by Davood Mirbagheri, who is best known for the series he directed about the history of Islam.
Mirbagheri started shooting “Salman the Persian” in the deserts of Kerman province in late December 2019.
The story of the series is narrated over three seasons starting with ancient Iran, followed by the Byzantine Empire, and finally early Islam.