Tehran, IRNA – An Iranian diplomat has pointed to a phone conversation between foreign ministers of Iran and Pakistan, expressing hope that the resumption of missions by ambassadors of the two countries would hit a new record at the international level.

Rasoul Mousavi, director-general of the Iranian Foreign Ministry's West Asia Department, wrote on his social media account on Friday that Iran’s Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian and his Pakistani counterpart Jalil Abbas Jilani had a phone call a few hours ago, which ended up in an official invitation by the Pakistani side for the Iranian top diplomat’s visit to Islamabad.

Mousavi also expected that collaboration between officials of both sides will help de-escalate recent tensions, expressing hope that his cooperation with Rahim Hayat Qureshi, former Pakistani ambassador to Tehran, will pave the way for the return of the ambassadors of both countries to each other’s capitals, which would be a new de-escalation record between two countries.

On Wednesday night, the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) carried out missile strikes against a terrorist group hiding in Pakistan, which was responded to by the Pakistani army in a retaliatory attack on Iranian soil. Amid the tension, both countries recalled their ambassadors, but today’s phone conversation between Iranian and Pakistani foreign ministers indicates both parties’ willingness to de-escalate the issue.
