New York, IRNA - Iran's permanent representative and ambassador to the United Nations says attributing Yemen’s actions in the Red Sea to the Islam Republic is an attempt by certain countries and entities to deviate from the reality on the ground in Yemen and ignore the Israeli regime’s crimes in the Gaza Strip.

Amir Saeid Iravani, in identical letters addressed to the UN Secretary-General and the head of the Security Council on Monday underlined that the Israeli regime's ongoing genocide in Gaza is the root of the current situation in the Red Sea, a reference to repeated Yemeni attacks on Israeli-bound ships in the strategic waterway.    

"It is clear to everyone that the root cause is genocide and brutal killings of innocent Palestinian people by the Israeli regime with the full support of the United States. Washington cannot deny or cover up the fact that the recent events in the Red Sea are directly related to the continued Israeli atrocities”, the Iranian envoy emphasized in his letters.

The Iranian envoy also criticized the United States, Britain and some of their allies for their military aggression against Yemen, saying these countries bear full responsibility for the violation of international law. “We urge the international community to unequivocally condemn the US-UK military aggression which is a clear violation of international law and the UN Charter".

The full text of the letter from the Iranian ambassador to the United Nations is as follows:


Further to our letter dated 8 January 2024 (S/2024/33), I am writing to address yet another baseless allegation made by the representative of the United States against my Country in the recent sessions of the United Nations Security Council. During the Security Council meeting for the adoption of Resolution 2722 (2024) held on 10 January 2024, under the agenda item "Maintenance of International Peace and Security" (S/2024/9527), as well as the subsequent briefing on the same agenda item on 12 January 2024 (S/2024/9532), it is regrettable that, once again, the representative of the United States has misused the Security Council platform to further its political agenda, by disseminating falsehoods and deliberate disinformation, and leveling unfounded accusations against the Islamic Republic of Iran regarding the current situation in the Red Sea. This misuse is particularly concerning in light of the recent serious violation of international law by the United States and the United Kingdom in committing acts of military aggression against Yemen. Within this context, I would like to reaffirm Iran's position on this matter as follows:

1) The Islamic Republic of Iran unequivocally condemns and categorically rejects the unfounded allegations made at the aforementioned meetings and emphasizes its commitment to maritime security and freedom of navigation. Despite having serious concerns and reservations about the Security Council's approach to the Yemen conflict and its resolutions on Yemen, Iran has never taken any activities in violation of Security Council Resolution 2216 (2015), including any engagement in the sale or transfer of arms or weaponry systems that would contravene this Resolution. Furthermore, Iran has always advocated for resolving the Yemen crisis through political means.

2) Iran strongly condemns the military aggression perpetrated by the United States and the United Kingdom against Yemen. This illicit action is not only unwarranted and unjustifiable but also blatantly violates Yemen's sovereignty, territorial integrity, international law, the UN Charter, and Security Council resolutions, thereby posing a significant threat to regional peace and security. The U.S. and U.K.’s invocation of the right of self-defense under Article 51 of the UN Charter to justify their internationally wrongful acts is misleading and lacks a legal foundation in international law. Moreover, Resolution 2722 (2024) explicitly emphasizes the adherence of the member states to international law. The expedited adoption of Resolution 2722 (2024) by the U.S. raises suspicions of an attempt to legitimize its so-called "international maritime coalition" and serve its regional political objectives. Using the Security Council as a basis to justify their illegal actions and shield Israel from accountability for war crimes and crimes of genocide in Gaza is evident. In this legal context, Iran vehemently rejects and condemns any arbitrary and misleading interpretation of Resolution 2722 by the U.S. and its allies, aiming to justify their use of illegal force and military aggression against Yemen.

3) It is clear to all that the root causes of the current situation in the Red Sea are the ongoing genocide and barbaric massacres that are being committed by the Israeli regime and fully supported by the U.S. against the innocent Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. The United States cannot deny or cover up the incontestable reality that recent incidents in the Red Sea are directly related to Israel's continued atrocities against the Palestinian people in Gaza. I wish to emphasize that the caretaker government in Sanaa maintains independent sovereignty, making decisions and taking actions in its own interest. Any attempt to attribute their actions to the Islamic Republic of Iran is a mere diversion from the reality on the ground in Yemen, as well as a distraction from the atrocities occurring in Gaza. The United States, the United Kingdom, and their contributing allies bear full responsibility for their violations of international law in committing military aggression against Yemen.

4) We urge the international community to unequivocally denounce the military aggression on Yemen perpetrated by the United States and the United Kingdom. This blatant violation of international law and the UN Charter demands strong condemnation. The Islamic Republic of Iran cautions against the persistent nature of such aggressions, as it poses a threat to regional peace and security, jeopardizes maritime security and freedom of navigation in the Red Sea, and undermines the ongoing UN mediation efforts and political processes dedicated to achieving a lasting solution and peace in Yemen.

I would be grateful if you would circulate the present letter as a document of the Security Council.