Tehran, IRNA - The head of the Hajj and Pilgrimage Organization of Iran is heading a team of experts for a visit to Saudi Arabia, where they will hold talks with Saudi officials to resolve some of the remaining issues preventing Iranian pilgrims to perform the Umrah Hajj.

Speaking to IRNA before leaving Iran on Sunday, Seyyed Abbas Hosseini said the Iranian delegation will sign a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Saudi Hajj officials to smooth out the process of dispatching pilgrims from Iran.

Mehran Farshid, an official with the Hajj organization, also told IRNA that 42,892 individuals with confirmed registration have finalized their applications for Umrah Hajj.

He explained that those individuals have completed all stages of registration and uploaded their personal information with the organization.

Out of this total, 37,564 individuals have fully paid their fees, he added.

Earlier this week, Iran's flagship carrier Iran Air said that all flights scheduled to carry Iranian Umrah pilgrims to Saudi Arabia were canceled as Saudi authorities had not issued permissions for them.

Iran and Saudi Arabia agreed to resume Hajj pilgrimage for Iranians as part of a rapprochement deal in March. 
