Tehran, IRNA – Ayatollah Ahmad Khatami, Tehran’s Friday Prayers Imam, has criticized the US and the Israeli regime for creating and supporting Daesh (ISIS), the terrorist group that claimed responsibility for the latest terror attacks in the Iranian city of Kerman.

Addressing worshippers in Tehran on Friday, the cleric said that Daesh was created by the US. He made the comment in reference to a campaign speech by former US President Donald Trump in 2016 when he accused his predecessor of co-founding the terror group.

Ayatollah Khatami said that Daesh has been supported by the Israeli regime, arguing that members of the terrorist groups were transferred to Israeli hospitals when they were injured during battles with government forces in Iraq and Syria.

The cleric’s comments came a day after Daesh claimed responsibility for the Wednesday twin explosions in Iran’s southeastern city of Kerman. Dozens were killed and many more were wounded in the blasts that happened during a ceremony to mark the fourth assassination anniversary of Iran’s top commander General Qassem Soleimani.

General Soleimani, who played a crucial role in defeating Daesh in West Asia, lost his life in a US drone attack near Iraq’s capital Baghdad on January 3, 2020.
