Tehran, IRNA – It is good to start again with this question of why the Swedish national has got involved in the proxy mission of Israel, for which he is paying the price. What does that mean for Sweden as an independent European country? What are the reasons behind Sweden’s silence on defending the rights of its national?

To answer those questions, a review of the history of Swedish intelligence agents’ presence in Iran could be interesting and offer a help as well. 

Gunnar Valfrid Jarring (Oct. 12, 1907–May 29, 2002) was a Swedish diplomat and Turkologist. He entered the Swedish diplomatic service and began his work as an attaché in the Swedish Embassy in Ankara in 1940.

A year later, Jarring served as the chairman of Department B at the Swedish legation in Tehran. And in 1945, he was the acting chargé d'affaires in Tehran and Baghdad. Jarring served as first legation secretary, legation counselor and acting chargé d'affaires in Addis Ababa in 1946.

He served as Sweden’s envoy to India and Ceylon (today’s Sri Lanka) in 1948 and 1950 respectively and to Iran, Iraq and Pakistan in 1951 as well. From 1952 to 1956, Jarring served as director (Foreign Affairs Council) and the head of the Political Department at Sweden’s Foreign Ministry in Stockholm. And in 1955, he worked as an expert at the United Nations General Assembly.

After the 1967 Six-Day War between Arabs and Israel, and the adoption of UN Security Council Resolution 242, Jarring was appointed by the United Nations chief as his special representative for the Middle East peace process.

The methods of negotiation adopted by Jarring were unsuccessful until the Yom Kippur War in 1973. The mission officially lasted until 1991. As a mediator in the Middle East conflict,  Jarring chose not to give any interviews or comments. That earned him the famous nickname "The Clam", sometimes "The Super Clam". Jarring received a royal medal from the Shah of Iran.

An unpublished study, reported in 2010, of the Jarring Mission claims that Jarring's efforts actually paved the way for the future peace talks and they were more significant than commonly assumed.

When World War II broke out in 1939, Sweden lacked a modern military intelligence agency. Major Carl Petersén was assigned to establish one. C-byrån (before 1942 called G-sektionen) was established in 1939, a few months after the outbreak of the war, after a joint campaign of the then Supreme Commander Olof Thörnell and the head of the Intelligence Department of the Defense Staff, Colonel Carlos Adlercreutz.

One of the first people who joined the agency was Gunnar Jarring, who had the responsibility to connect as many academics as possible with the agency. Thede Palm was one of the most prominent academics linked to the agency by Jarring.

In 1943, Palm joined C-byrån, a secret intelligence organization within the Swedish Armed Forces during World War II. C-byrån's duty was to manage foreign intelligence gathering. He became director of operations in 1946 and it changed its name to T-kontoret.

During the Cold War, he was one of the heads of the Swedish stay-behind organization. In his posthumous notes, he tells how he was subjected to American pressure that the Swedish intelligence service should be practically under direct CIA command, which Palm firmly resisted.

Palm was a close friend of Tage Erlander from his time at Lund University. Tage Erlander who was the leader of the Social Democratic Party served as prime minister of Sweden from 1946 to 1969. After him, one of his longtime protégés became prime minister of Sweden in 1969, until his assassination in 1986.

In 1965 the foreign-oriented T-kontoret allied with the domestic-oriented B-kontoret (B-office) and became the Defence Staff's Special Bureau (Försvarsstabens särskilda byrå), more commonly known as IB. The head of B-kontoret, Birger Elmér, took over as director of the new organization. Palm was fired and transferred to the Swedish Armed Forces Staff College, where he was director of research from 1965 to 1972.

Now, with this relatively long historical introduction, answers can be found to some of the questions and ambiguities surrounding Flodros case:

-In Sweden, the government is only a facade, and an executor of high-level security plans of the Jewish family and capitalist Wallenberg family, as well as Swedish organizations, think tanks, and business and policy-making chambers including the Swedish Institute, SIPRI, and so on. The Foreign Service stationed at the Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs is in charge of executing and pursuing ordered security tasks.

Swedes, due to their neutrality and appropriate reputation in Iran, and with the support of the anti-Iran dissidents living in Sweden, who are named the Mojahedin-e-Khalq Organization (MKO), seem to be one of the best options for carrying out global Zionist espionage plots inside the Islamic country.

Flodros worked on behalf of the Israeli regime under the guise of the European Union. For this reason, he made his first contact to coordinate his travel to Tehran with a non-Swedish individual and then stated the reason for the trip as a meeting with a friend at the Swedish embassy in the Iranian capital. However, during his stay in Iran, he had intensive meetings with agents of the Israeli regime at some European embassies in Tehran. Thus, as the Swedish government was not aware of the details of Flodros' mission, it is pursuing the matter in coordination with Flodros' foreign employers. At the same time, with the management of published personal information on the imprisoned Swedish national, it seeks to keep Flodros’ military training and experiences hidden.

As a country dominated primarily economically by Jewish families, Sweden has no choice but to follow the Zionist regime. What mission did Floderus really have in Iran? The spy services of the Zionist regime are the main employer of Floderus, and the Swedish government now has to follow the process determined by the Zionists and play on the ground they have prepared. At the same time, the Swedes are trying to avoid the negative consequences of this arrest as much as possible by controlling the news about Floderus, because the Swedish government not only failed to carry out its inherent duty to protect and pursue the fate of its citizen, but it has made the issue of Floderus even more complicated by taking some Iranian citizens hostage.