Tehran, IRNA – Iran says the upholding of a Swedish court’s sentence against Hamid Nouri is a blatant act of injustice and cruelty against the former Iranian judiciary official who has been illegally incarcerated in Sweden since 2019.

Addressing a press conference on Monday, Iran’s Judiciary spokesman Masoud Setayeshi said Nouri’s 50-month detention in a solitary cell in the Scandinavian country while deprived of access to the most basic rights of a prisoner signifies an unfair trial and the judicial insufficiency of the Swedish judicial system.

He said the unfair verdict was predictable, and it showed that the Swedish court sided with the terrorists while not allowing Nouri’s witnesses to be present and even threatening to arrest them.

“This process, which was followed under the influence and pressure of the most hated terrorist groups, conveyed messages to the Iranian nation, and of course will lead to Iran’s reaction,” said Setayeshi.

He argued the fact that the text of the indictment was issued against Nouri 18 months after his arrest is another proof that his trial was only an apparent legal cover to his pre-determined verdict.

Elsewhere during the press conference, the Judiciary spokesman responded to a question about the latest developments in the case of a Swedish national detained in Iran.

The case of the said individual is being investigated in the 26th branch of the Justice Department of Tehran Province and the third hearing of the case was held on December 18.

“His accusations are the subject of Articles 286 and 610 of the Islamic Penal Code, as well as Article 6 of the Law on Hostile Actions of the Zionist Regime against Peace and Security,” he explained.

Nouri was arrested upon arrival at Stockholm Airport in November 2019 and was immediately imprisoned. He was put on trial on false charges of being involved in the execution and torture of members of the Mujahedin-e-Khalq Organization (MKO) terrorist group in 1988.

On Tuesday, an appeals court in Sweden upheld a life sentence given to him in July 2022 despite repeated objections from Tehran that the verdict is politically-motivated.
