Publish Date: 18 September 2023 - 12:46

Tehran, IRNA – Iran expects to receive on Monday all of its assets frozen in South Korea due to US sanctions, according to Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kanaani.

“As a result of the cruel actions of the United States and the pressure it had exerted on some of Iran’s partners, some of our assets were blocked in South Korea, and today these assets will be available to Iran in their entirety,” Kanaani said at a press conference on Monday.

He said the Raisi administration has made headway in restoring the rights of the Iranian nation in various fields, including the release of Iran’s frozen funds in various countries.

“Having Iran’s assets released from the UK after several years was a great success,” he remarked.

Kanaani also said the process of implementing an agreement between Iran and the US on the two issues of frozen assets and prisoner swap has progressed step by step and at a favorable speed.

“We hope to receive our assets from South Korea today,” he said, adding that the exchange of prisoners, five individuals from each country, will be carried out on the same day.

Iran committed to JCPOA talks

Iran remains committed to diplomatic paths in order to secure the nation’s rights, Kanaani said, emphasizing that there are no limits to dialogue for the responsible return of all parties to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).

Kanaani stated that if there is even a minimal chance in the diplomatic path for all parties to return to the JCPOA, Iran will seize it.

In addition, he affirmed that Iran will continue its efforts to neutralize sanctions seriously.

Growth in Iran's foreign trade exchanges over the last two years

Commenting on the Iranian government’s interactions with Asian countries, he said that according to the official statistics available about Iran's trade exchanges with its partners, we have witnessed the growth of foreign trade over the last two years.

The transfer of assets, the increase in Iran's oil sales, the expansion of foreign relations, and Iran's presence in international bodies indicate the effectiveness of the government's foreign policy, he added.

Defying US anti-Iran sanctions

Kanaani went on to say that it seems normal for states to face restrictions in certain areas due to the ongoing sanctions imposed by the United States; however, many nations showed they do not want to succumb to Washington’s pressures.

Kanaani further noted that the establishment and development of relationships with the Islamic Republic by other governments, coupled with their readiness for dialogue, is a clear indication of the dynamic foreign policy pursued by the Raisi administration, which gives reason for optimism.

Iran-Iraq security pact

The spokesman also stated that September 19 is the deadline for the Iraqi government to implement the security agreement concerning the presence of terrorist groups on Iraqi soil; thus, these groups are required to be disarmed and their bases evacuated.

These demands are raised based on the bilateral security agreement, Kanaani said, adding that there is evidence to suggest that the Iraqi side has already implemented many aspects of the agreement; therefore, some bases belonging to terrorist groups have been evacuated and the groups have been relocated.

Iran is seeking to foster strong relations with both the government and the people of Iraq, the spokesperson noted and added that the security of Iraq is of importance to the Islamic Republic.

The spokesperson also highlighted that the presence of terrorists in northern Iraq is contrary to the interests of both neighboring states, he said and emphasized that the presence of terrorist groups in the joint border areas is unacceptable to the Islamic Republic, so tomorrow will be the deadline for implementing the security agreement.

Iran can develop ties with all nations

Kanaani also said Iran does not have any restrictions for the development of relations with different countries, except for one particular case.

“We have never had an exclusionary view toward Europe, and we are ready to talk and cooperate with any country that wants to cooperate with Iran with mutual respect,” he said.

According to the Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman, Tehran welcomes any initiative and effort for a responsible return of all parties to the JCPOA, including the initiative put forward by Sultan of Oman Haitham bin Tariq Al Said.

“Yet this does not mean adding a new party to the JCPOA,” he hastened to add.

“We support the good-faith initiatives of various countries to bring the views of the remaining JCPOA parties closer.”

Iran to attend Moscow meeting on Afghanistan

On the upcoming meeting in Moscow on Afghanistan, Kanaani said the meeting will be held at the level of special representatives of different countries.

Iran has repeatedly announced that it supports regional mechanisms to help the progress of the political process in Afghanistan, he said, adding that the Islamic Republic has made many efforts in this regard.

“Our view on Afghanistan is clear, and in this context, we will participate in the upcoming meeting held in Moscow, and we will follow these consultations with various parties, including the Afghan ruling body,” the spokesman added.

We do not tolerate the political use of human rights

In response to human rights pressures exerted by some Western countries, Kanaani stated that Iran does not require the support or sympathy of those who have been committing crimes against the Iranian nation for the past four decades.

Kanaani further criticized the hypocrisy of those who claim to be human rights advocates while hosting the MKO terrorists, who are responsible for the murder of 17,000 Iranians, and described this situation as ‘ridiculous’.

Kanaani affirmed that Iran remains committed to human rights and has stood strong against the US and Europe for over 40 years, thanks to the support of its people.

The world nations see the suppression of citizens, they see the shooting from a short distance to European citizens, he stated.

He also pointed out the global awareness of citizen suppression, highlighting instances where European citizens have been shot at close range and an American woman has been shot by the US police. 

Iran expands commercial diplomacy with appointment of attachés

Iran is making strides in expanding its commercial diplomacy, with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Industry, Mine, and Trade working in close cooperation, Kanaani said, highlighting the importance of increasing the number of Iranian commercial attachés in various countries as a key aspect of trade relations.

Kanaani underscored that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran has identified 30 countries, where it plans to have commercial attachés, and that it has appointed 20 commercial attachés so far. There is no obstacle in the way of implementing the project, he argued.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has identified 30 countries for sending commercial attachés and has successfully appointed 20 so far, said, Kanaani.

Iran not to give up its rights in Arash Gas Field

Iran’s Minister of Oil Javad Oji has asserted that the country will not relinquish its rights over the Arash Gas Field, Kanaani said, noting that there are frameworks to address technical issues. and that developments on the ground will be closely monitored by the Iranian side, ensuring their interests in the gas field are upheld.

Possible meeting between Iran's president, Japan's prime minister

Concerning a possible meeting between Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and Prime Minister of Japan Fumio Kishida on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly in New York, the spokesman said that it would be possible for them to meet in New York if the Japanese premier takes part in the event.

The spokesperson further emphasized that the UN General Assembly serves as an appropriate platform for such high-level discussions and meetings; therefore, the possibility of this meeting occurring is not remote.

Iran opposes political abuse of IAEA

Asked by IRNA’s correspondent on recent remarks by Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Rafael Grossi, who condemned Iran’s move to bar multiple inspectors assigned to the country, Kanaani said the Islamic Republic opposes political abuse of the IAEA for the sake of some specific countries.

He urged those countries to allow the agency to pursue its professional activity.

Kanaani made clear, however, that Iran will continue its cooperation with the IAEA based on the safeguards agreement.

“We will continue our safeguards cooperation with the agency while emphasizing the necessity of the agency’s neutrality,” he added.

The US must pay attention to Syria’s demands

Elsewhere in his presser, the spokesman said the presence of US forces in Syria amounts to occupation, and no movement is allowed in the Arab country without the consent of the Damascus government.

“The presence of the Americans is illegal, and they should pay attention to the demand of the Syrian government,” he said.

Regarding Iran’s plan for the withdrawal of Turkish forces from Syria, Kanaani said Iran has always sought to resolve the differences between Syria and Turkey.

However, he continued, the differences should be resolved within the framework of a political process.

The US administration is sick and needs treatment

In response to the sanctions imposed on certain Iranian media outlets by Western countries, Kanaani stated that Iran will take appropriate action.

He criticized the US administration, describing it as being “addicted to sanctions” and in need of treatment.

Kanaani pointed out the contradiction in the US’s stance, which claims to support freedom of speech while simultaneously sanctioning free media in Iran, criticizing it as a clear violation of freedom of speech and a demonstration of the US’s hypocritical and unilateral policy.

He further emphasized that the media, whose duty is to freely circulate information, are being sanctioned.

Kanaani attributed this to the US administration’s concerns about Iran’s voice reaching the global stage and Washington’s inability to implement its foreign policy effectively.
