Tehran, IRNA – Concurrent with the repetition of insulting sanctities of Islam in certain northern European states, the echo of protests against such unbridled extremism is obviously heard outside the Muslim world because the non-Muslims have come to the conclusion that silence in this respect will end up in nothing but intensification of racism, discord, disrespect for other divine religions, and even hostility among their followers.

This shows that not just Muslim nations and governments are opposing disrespect for the holy Quran, but international institutions, and religious and political dignitaries from Western and non-Muslim states have also protested against such a blasphemous act, as it follows.

On July 3, leader of the world’s Catholic Church Pope Francis reacted to the desecration of the holy Quran in front of the main mosque in Sweden’s capital Stockholm, announcing that burning the holy book of Muslims made him irritated and disgusted. He also added that no holy book should be desecrated, so he rejects the idea that blasphemous protests should be allowed under the guise of freedom of expression.

High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell categorically rejected Quran burning, racism, xenophobia, and intolerance in the European Union. He also announced that the European Union strongly and decisively rejects "any form of incitement to religious hatred and intolerance," underlining the importance of respect for other religious communities.

Secretary-General of the United Nations Antonio Guterres also has not left the insult unanswered. He has pointed to the fact that he had received a letter from grand Iraqi cleric Ayatollah Ali Sistani on the Quran burning incident in Sweden, saying that he received Ayatollah Sistani’s message and that he is very grateful for the Ayatollah’s efforts and he will soon write a letter in response to the letter.

Russian President Vladimir Putin was one of the first to react to the desecration of the holy Quran in Sweden. The Russian president reacted to the blasphemous act in the European country, saying that disrespect for the Quran is a crime in Russia, and that relationship between Muslims and followers of the Orthodox Church enhances national unity in the country.

Spokesman and deputy director of information at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China Wang Wenbin declared China’s strong condemnation of the desecration of the holy Quran, saying that Beijing has always opposed any sort of Islamophobia and that all civilizations must respect each other and show patience in dealing with one another and learn from each other.

The United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) based in Geneva, condemned the desecration of the holy Quran by adopting a resolution proposed by Islamic countries and the UN agency called for a probe into the issue as well as a report by the High Commissioner for Human Rights.

The United Nations General Assembly with 193 member states unanimously adopted Morocco’s draft resolution, which condemns any violence against holy books as an act of violating international laws.
