In various seasons particularly in spring and the beginning of the new Iranian year, Alisadr which is the most amazing water cave worldwide attracts tourists from all over the world and all around the country in the west of Iran.
According to the experts, the formation of Alisadr- the biggest and the longest water cave around the world- dates back to the Jurassic era ((199.6 million to 145.5 million years ago).
Meanwhile, it was identified by some provincial cavemen and mountaineers over 60 years ago.
Historical handwritten documents show that the name of the Iranian cave has come from the name of a village Alisadr; meanwhile, the village was first termed as Alisad (sad in Persian means dam).
The existence of beautiful stalagmites has added to the beauty of this natural masterpiece.
Alisadr, 70 km of the northwest of Hamedan, is located in one of the highest places in the province on the Zagros mountain range 2,180 meters from the sea level.