Orumiyeh, IRNA – A member of Parliamentary Islamic Republic of Iran-Azerbaijan Republic Friendship Group said bitter event of attacking Azerbaijan Embassy in Tehran was based on personal incentives and will not harm bilateral ties.

Speaking to IRNA on Friday night, Ruhollah Hazratpour referring to the bitter event of attacking the Azerbaijan Republic Embassy, reiterated, "Getting killed of an Azerbaijani citizen in that bitter event was quite depressing for the Iranian nation and the Islamic Republic of Iran will mightily deal with the person who committed this criminal act."

This member of the Parliament's National Security and Foreign Policy Commission added, "In initial surveys it was made clear that the attacker involved in this criminal act had personal enmity and family problems, and the issue is not in any way a terrorist attack."

Orumiyeh people's representative in the Parliament added that the deep relations between the two friendly and brother nations of Iran and Azerbaijan with cultural, historical and religious roots are quite intermingled with each other and the two nations will not permit the other get involved in sedition against them.

"The Iranian nation and government condole with the Azerbaijani nation and government and strongly condemn the bitter event," concluded Hazratpour.
