Tehran, IRNA – Foreign minister in a meeting with the ambassador of Sweden to Iran said that the verdict issued by a court in that country against Iranian citizen Hamid Nouri is illegal, and asked for his immediate release from prison.

Hossein Amirabdollahian in his Saturday meeting with Ambassador Mattias Lentz at the Foreign Ministry of the Islamic Republic of Iran referred to the latest status of Iran-Sweden bilateral ties, and said that the Swedish court’s vote is illegal and unacceptable, stressing that he must be acquitted from all charges and released immediately.

He also asked for provision of the basic rights for Nouri, such as having access to medical services and meetings and contacts with his family members.

The Swedish ambassador promised to reflect the matter immediately to his affiliated government, and said that his country’s policy is continuation of consultations aimed at preservation of relations with the Islamic Republic of Iran, as well as further improvement of comprehensive ties.


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