Tehran, IRNA – Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi in a phone talk with Emir of Qatar on Thursday said that the west’s simultaneous and repetitious anti-Iranian accusations while they are involved in negotiations with Iran proves they are neither committed to the prerequisites of talks, nor serious in negotiations.

In his phone talk with Emir of Qatar Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani, President Raisi after criticizing the west's inappropriate approach in its interactions with the Islamic Republic of Iran, said that Tehran’s stances in the nuclear negotiations to remove sanctions are transparent and rational.

He referred to several reports of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) on transparency of the Iranian nuclear program and that the IAEA inspectors had never found any deviation from the peaceful path in it, and argued that the repetitious accusations against the Islamic Republic of Iran during the course of the negotiations reveals their political intentions to affect the course of the talks.

President Raisi emphasized that the Islamic Republic of Iran considers the unilateral sanctions unjust, illegal, and against the international rules and regulations, and said that therefore, Iran defends its rights and continues its efforts aimed at removal of sanctions, with required guarantees.

He said that a sustainable agreement necessitates both the lifting of sanctions, and ending baseless accusations and claims.

The president also referred to Qatar’s hosting of this year’s Football World Cup, repeating the Islamic Republic of Iran’s proposal for offering any assistance for optimum organizing of that international event.

He also proposed Tehran-Doha cultural cooperation along with their boosted economic cooperation aimed at making them more effective and constructive.

Emir of Qatar, for his part, in the phone talk appreciated the Islamic Republic of Iran’s constant support for Qatar, saying that Doha supports Iran’s stances in the path of gaining its rights, and especially in strengthening relations, cooperation, and diplomatic negotiations.

Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani also appreciated Iran’s miscellaneous initiatives aimed at optimum organizing of the Qatar World Cup.


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