The government managed to bring about such an increase through developing its economic diplomacy, creating infrastructures, and removing obstacles.
Monthly average of non-oil exports of Iran reached 4.33 billion dollars, which shows a 38-percent growth compared with that of in the previous government period.
Decreasing Iran’s oil export or even pushing it down to zero has been the main aim behind the US sanctions; meanwhile, the issue made the Iranian officials and the economic experts focus more on non-oil exports to provide the country with sustainable income.
Following up the talks on removal of the sanctions and foiling them has been one of the objectives of the new Iranian government as it made effort to develop foreign trade through promoting economic diplomacy with neighboring countries.
Last year, Iran exported 122 million tons of commodities with worth of 48 billion dollars, which shows a 41-percent growth as the figure has been 14 billion dollars in the previous year.
Increase in exports of non-oil products will decrease dependence on oil income and minimize impact of the sanctions.
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