Tehran, IRNA - Iran’s President Ebrahim Raisi in a meeting with his Mozambican counterpart Filipe Nyusi on Tuesday called for strengthening Tehran-Maputo interactions.

In a meeting with the Mozambican President on Tuesday on the sidelines of the 6th Gas Exporting Countries Forum (GECF) Summit in Doha, Qatar, President Raisi said that Iran is ready to expand trade and economic cooperation with the African states, especially Mozambique, and share experiences and technical know-how with these countries.

Pointing out that after the victory of the Islamic Revolution, the Islamic Republic of Iran has always had good relations with the African states, President Raisi noted that he will instruct the Iranian foreign minister to prepare for the joint commission on economic cooperation as soon as possible to accelerate the expansion of the two countries' interactions.

Filipe Nyusi, for his part, urged expanding his country's relations with the Islamic Republic of Iran in various fields.


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